Baby Steps!
Want to write your memoirs? Yes! You should! There’s so much to be gained in both the writing (or telling) of a life story and in the reading of it.
Looking at an entire lifetime, like looking at decades of photo albums and boxes of old pictures or a garage crammed full of acquired things, can be overwhelming.
Focus only on one small part of your life. Your childhood perhaps. And in that childhood, focus on one story or memory, maybe the one that comes up in your mind the most. Write about that. Don’t think about any other part of your life right now. Because everything can be broken down into smaller parts, every journey broken down into little steps and that’s how we get there. And that one story, it doesn’t have to be high drama or some major turning point. Maybe it is or maybe it’s an every day sort of memory. Don’t think about why it comes to mind yet. Just write it out. In any style.
After you write it, read it over. Because there IS a reason that this memory came to mind. We’ll talk about that in the next blog.
So, take that first step today! Imagine that moment. Write it down.
Talk to you next week!
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